Self Portraits and Reflection

October is always a major time of reflection for me. At the end of the month, I turn 29 and I feel very reflective as I approach the final year of my 20s. Going into this period of reflection, I have realized the importance of consistent reflection in my business as well. Looking back at what went well, what could have gone better, and systems and workflows to create to maintain my consistency in the processes I’d like to keep. I recently started adding monthly business reflection meetings to my calendar where I block off an hour for a meeting to review all of these elements. A month goes by rather quickly, but a lot happens within each month as well. I created a Google Doc template in my Drive to copy and paste each month of the year to reflect upon my goals and ambitions and to stay on track with my company’s growth. It is so important to me to create an experience for my clients that are personal and unique, yet repeatable to ensure every client receives my care and attention. Thus far, I have found it to be incredibly helpful to reflect on the month passed and to have a separate goal setting and planning meeting for the upcoming couple of months based on those reflections in how to improve.

As part of this inspiration to be more reflective, I carved out some time recently to explore a bit of self-portraiture. I took out the tripod I rarely use and my camera to the garage on a beautiful, sunny fall day and just had fun with it! No true expectations, just to capture where I’m feeling in this moment.

If you’ve stumbled across this little blurb of an entry, let me know if you create time for frequent reflection or journaling sessions with yourself or your business, if you have one. I love being inspired by others and learning methods from you as well! Let’s chat!


Outdoor Dance Improvisation Performance | Karlovsky & Company


Lincoln Park Chicago Engagement Session | Anna + Ryan