Karlovsky and Company presents, “StoryScapes”

In Karlovsky & Company Dance’s evening-length work, STORYSCAPES, pose the questions: “What are the stories and attitudes shared that get passed down through the generations? What stories do we want to continue to embrace? What stories should we re-evaluate? What stories should simply end?” As described in their program, “[the performance] examines the intersections of narrative and agency, power and play, and takes a critical look at antiquated, binary stories surrounding identity and acceptance. The work is not prescriptive, nor does it necessarily offer alternative versions of these narratives; instead, it makes visible the lived experiences of a community of artists, bringing their unique voices and perspectives to the fore.” Their use of video projections as live dancers were correlating their movement throughout the performance was an innovative way to showcase these narrative perspectives. Read a review written by unknown on St. Louis Dance Headquarters’ website here.


Southeast Missouri State University Dance Mini Sessions with Lumosco


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