Januska Family | St. Louis County Park Family Session

The Januskas and I go way way back. They’ve been a part of my life since I was in third grade with their older daughter, Lauren. Lauren also happens to be one of my nearest and dearest friends. Bob, Sue, and their three kids lived in the same neighborhood as my family. Our families became very close friends and still to this day are. Growing up, we would have slumber parties in the Januska’s basement, along with epic themed birthday parties. In the winter, we would meet up with our sleds and in the summer, we would walk to the neighborhood pool to cool off in the heat.

With 2020 nearing an end, the Januska’s reached out to me about capturing this moment in their family’s lives. This family has a lot to celebrate this year in particular: Lauren and her husband, Kyle, got married on February 1st, just before the lockdown; Jason and his wife, Kayla, had their first son (Bob and Sue’s first grandchild!); and Katie just turned 21 this year. Lots to celebrate in this family! Although it wasn’t the year full of celebrations and gatherings that we all thought it would be, the Januska’s endured and still have what’s strongest, their family. They are proud of how their family has grown in such a difficult year.

For their family portrait session, the Januska’s really wanted to document this moment in their family’s lives. They wanted to have tangible photographs to remember their family as it is right now. And how meaningful that can be! We captured some more traditional smiling photos to send as holiday cards to loved ones, as well as some more candid moments of the family just being themselves. Which I must say, those candid family moments are my all time favorite to capture and look back on.

Some of my absolute favorite images from this session are of the family cheering on and clapping for baby Logan. He loves getting an applause and we captured some really sweet reactions from all family members during that time.

Family photos can be such a fun way to spend quality time with your family while documenting this fleeting moment in your family’s legacy.


St. Louis Art Museum Dance Session | Jeanie Stephenson


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